“Just call her Honesty”

(in her words)

I relocated to Battle Creek for more opportunities. I learned about the Co-op from my sister who was already a member.  After attending a monthly networking meeting I joined because I wanted to be a bigger part of the community being new to BC.  Two years later and these woman are a part of my family.  I have made relationships, positive and nurturing relationships.  The Co-op assisted me with gaining employment at Star Commonwealth through their network.  I have a bachelors degree and was thrilled to be using it but my dream is to become an attorney and eventually to open my own law office that will serve people in need.   I want to make my mark on the world but more importantly I want to make a difference.   My barrier to entering law school was needing to take a class to help me study for L-set testing to enter law school.  Thanks to Co-op’s support and paying the tuition for the class I have achieved that goal and will enter Law School at Wayne State University in the fall of 2019.  In-turn I served on several Co-op committees and projects like the Civic Engagement Team and Donations to the Co-op Store.   I supported the network in that service and additionally by providing a ride when I could, or watching a baby or two for an hour or two.  I supported Co-op events and just jumped in where they needed me, and they kept jumping in when I needed them, sometimes just to share my morning coffee with.  They helped me fix my car when it broke and provided gas cards when I first started working.  I will be Sad to leave the Co-op but I will stay connected and support them when I can.

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