I’m originally from Battle Creek MI born and raised.  I lived with my mom for 2 years in California while I was in elementary school.  She was addicted to drugs whole in a domestic violence relationship with her husband. That soon became me and my brother.  We used to literally get beat; my stepdad called it discipline. I remember being around the age of 8 and being so tired of my life in California, that I walked about 4 blocks to a payphone and called my grandmother to come get me.  She got there in 3 days!  I moved back to Battle Creek, MI to live with my other grandma and had sort of a normal childhood but was exposed to so much at a young age.  Grandma’s house was “live” lol it was always packed.  Something was always going on.  From the time I would walk to school in the morning until the time I went to bed all I saw was drug addicts and drug dealers.  The drug dealers looked out for all the kids in the neighborhood.  The kept us with lunch money and money to do whatever it is that we wanted to do. My grandma tried her best to protect us and keep us away, but it was just inevitable.  I remember being outside one summer the street was packed and all I heard was gunshots going off.  I took off running but was grazed by 2 bullets, one across my stomach the other across my knee.  To this day I still have the marks.  On the weekends I would go with my other grandmother where it was the total opposite.  I never saw anything I was used to seeing, she lived in a good neighborhood.  I had my own room.  We went on trips frequently and was involved in church heavily.  I loved going over there to escape reality sometimes.  But as I got older going over there became boring, so I thought.  She eventually stopped making me go on weekends.  By the time I was in the 10th grade my mom had moved to Battle Creek, so I started living with her.  My mom had 5 kids to provide for, so she worked a lot of hours she was barely home.  She did the best she could, she made sure we had everything we needed and got us whatever we wanted, and I do mean whatever!  Life was great but I was so rebellious! I had begun skipping school, smoking weed and shoplifting!  At this time, I had a male best friend who I started dating of course he was a drug dealer.  We grew up together, so we knew everything about each other.  Everything remained good in the beginning but as time went on the relationship became very abusive and I had found myself in a domestic violent relationship.  I was scared to tell anyone but eventually it started happening in public.  When I was 16, I found out I was pregnant.  I had my daughter the day before my 17th birthday.  I loved my baby, but I was too focused on the wildlife my boyfriend lived in.  My daughter and I began living with my boyfriend and the abuse became worse, when it was good it was just that but when it was bad it was terrible.  I left him after he almost tried to kill me, he went to prison for 5 years. At this time, I’m 22.  I get involved with a big-time drug dealer.  He was way older than I was.  He began to take care of me and show me different things.  What I didn’t know at the time was he had me taking penitentiary chances if you know what I mean.  I was so blind.  If I would’ve got caught, I would still be in prison to this day for the stupid decisions I was making.  I found out I was pregnant while he was in jail fighting a king pen case.  He fought the case for 8 years and then was released, I was 23 when I had my son.  By this time my daughter’s father was released from prison and we decided to get back together.  He helped me raise my daughter and son.  But couldn’t leave the streets alone so once again it ended, and he was back in prison.  I would just go to work and take care of my kids.  Years went by and I started dating a coworker who I eventually had 2 more kids by.  We were doing well.  He was the best man and father.  I feel like our upbringing effected our relationship a lot, we were just so different.  Our relationship became on and off.


I had been a homebody for so long I needed some excitement in my life, so I started going out partying and just enjoying myself.  I started my dream job, so all the partying I was doing came to a stop.  It was a friend of mine’s birthday.  She wanted me to celebrate with her.  For some reason I had a weird feeling but didn’t pay any attention, I went anyway.  Worst decision ever! We went to a party as soon as we arrived there as a big altercation.  I should’ve turned the other cheek but me being the person I am tried to deescalate the situation.  I was knocked out with a gun and sent to the hospital.  That night changed by life.  I lost everything: my house, my car, and my dream job but most of all my peace.  I became disabled I was on crutches for 11/2 years.  I had to live with family members, and eventually me and my 3 kids became homeless! I went into a deep depression.  Lost faith and started to question God.  It was a struggle, but I had to keep going for my babies.  I had nobody to talk to or lean on.  God was my only option!  I HAD to put my faith in God.  Having faith will in God change everything.  After 2 surgeries and about 6 months of therapy, I was able to walk again.  I feel like that year and a half was a lesson from God for so many reasons.  Right after I went through a program that placed me here at the Woman’s Co-op to do a 6-week training for front line receptionist.  This program has completely changed my life for the better.  Woman’s Co-op has given me the resources and skills I needed to get back on my feet not only financially but mentally as well.  It is my safe haven!  They don’t judge!  I feel protected!  I can be myself! And I feel accepted! No matter what.  I’m now enrolled in GED and am nearly done.  I’m on my way to becoming stable and just GETTING


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