It is our practice at the Woman’s Co-op to pose a question to our training candidates weekly, that they then answer in a short essay.  It helps staff to get to know our trainees better and it enhances the writing skills of our trainees.  I have enjoyed reading their answers, so I decided to share a few here.  If you would like drop us a few lines in the comment section to answer the questions yourself.


How do you find joy?


Most people would say joy comes from money, family, or friends. I believe joy comes from within. I find joy in many different things and ways. One of my favorite ways I like to find joy is by seeing my baby brother Tristen. He can make light out of any darkness. Just the thought of him alone makes me smile. His laugh, his face, his toothless smile and smart remarks; all the way down to his toes just makes my day. Another one of my favorite ways to bring myself joy is to paint or draw. I really love to paint; it brings me peace and serenity. Music is another way I find joy. Anytime of the day I can turn on some music and just vibe. Especially in the mornings when I get up to start my day. Money can also bring me joy but not the type that lasts forever. Money is a temporary happiness; it’ll only last for so long for me unlike nature. Nature can last forever, even longer than me. Sometimes I like to go to Linear Park and walk around or just sit and soak in the sun while looking at the beautiful scenery. Cooking is also a skill of mine that tends to bring me joy. I love to eat good food, food will always bring me joy.


How I find my joy is being around Andy, my daughter Miranda, her boyfriend Tyler, Mom, Dad and my brother Miah. To be at home with all of them. Go fishing, camping, cutting wood. Sitting around the fire; telling jokes, laughing to be ourselves with no worries about anything. Spend time with them. To show them all how much they mean to met the joy they bring out in me by being around. With Andy to look into eyes just to feel the joy they bring out in me by being around. With Andy to look into his eyes just to feel the joy/love that he has for me as I do for him. When we hugged, I fell into his arms. Knowing that I can tell him anything that is bothering me, that he doesn’t look down on me brings me a lot of joy. When having a bad day call Andy, he makes the day better and brighter for me. So, my real joy is my best friend/boyfriend Andy. Also, the animals I enjoy bring me peace when I’m around them.


Joy to me I feel it’s how one express how they feel. Joy is when u get excided about someone special I try to get up everyday feeling very blessed. Joy is something that you feel in your soul im trying to feel joy when they tell me my mom beat all odds I feel very joyful when I go to church to praise his holy name my kids give me a purposes to get up everyday and find my place in this so called life I really turned my life around for my babies I use to beg god to point me in the right directions in life so I can bring joy to my family joy is a expression you feel when u happy about something


The means to me having joy. Very unpredictable. The meaning of joy to me very indeed would be having a time to not show just an understanding of something but to believe a bigger objective for yourself to see that your heart believes in something expositional and you’re not going to quit. Joy could be in many beautiful forms, your kids, relationships if you agree upon something together stick to it you will have joy. Just to have what you need out of the world you will have joy. God shows us great joy. He is kind, gentle, and moves with us. Motivates us to love each other, we are here for a purpose, with that purpose I hope, pray upon all of us feel joy in his presence and our own time when the time is right.



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