Goals are the milestones that guide our lives and give us direction.  To accomplish them, one must cultivate determination, resilience, and a clear strategy.   You must be willing to understand the importance of hard work, continuous learning and adaptability.  At Woman’s Co-op we work with clients to 1. Define their goals 2. Develop a clear action plan and 3. Map out the necessary resources the action plan will require.  Sounds good, well at least in theory.  Often times folks aren’t clear even with themselves what they want to achieve with any clarity.  For example, “I want to make money” is a goal but flushing that out into… how do I want to make money? Do I want to work for someone else? What would I like to do while working? And then what steps do I need to take to get there? What resources will I need to take those steps? But really it starts with asking yourself what are you willing to do, to reach your goals?


I’m willing to suck it up and work, I guess. Maybe something a litter easier like 18 hours shifting stuff is that a job. Life is stressing me out being an adult is f****Ing annoying And IDK why everything has to be so dame difficult. I’m willing to give away my body mind and soul to my ex just so he can do/pay for everything, and I can sit in his big fun house and do nothing but look pretty. Thus, way my life will be easy. I’m sick of living the struggle life just to draw in debt or be the poor black girl or work so heard my back hurts and I was to give up. UGH I’m willing to stop fighting so hard in life and les someone take care of me don’s people work so hard in life so there kids am love everything they didn’t why can’t I just have everything too why do I have to struggle. I don’s so I won’t. I’m willing to sacrifice anything so I can live. Ugh or maybe I’ll take the long way.


I think anything, I say anything when I am asked, when I ask myself.  But am I really because when I look at what I have been doing lately is far from anything to get there, in fact there are a lot of tasks associated with reaching my goals that I really don’t want to do at all and so I put them off, way off, somewhere in the near or distant future, I don’t know they are somewhere out there.  It’s not because I am lazy. It is because I am tired.  Tired of all the things that need doing and figuring out already. I have dreams and goals, but it takes things to get there, things that sure I could try to obtain but that is after I do all the things that need doing already.


It would depend on what the goal was and how badly I want to achieve it.  If the goal is important, I will do what it takes to achieve it.  In fact, the level of how badly I want it will determine the level of action I will take to achieve it. Having this knowledge is not the solution.  Applying this knowledge with action is.

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