Life Enrichment Classes
Woman’s Co-op offers life enrichment classes that provide education in the areas of family and self-wellness.
To start your journey in the Woman's Co-op Network, become a member today.
Nurturing Parent
A ten-week course that demonstrates and emphasizes the importance of raising children in a warm, caring and trusting home. A program that provides parents with the knowledge and resources to raise respectful, caring and cooperative children.
Keeping Families Together
An eight-week parenting course for parents with a history of neglect and abuse. Self-assessment, reflection and self-correction.
Bridges Out of Poverty
A ten-week course that introduces participants to information and strategies for moving out of poverty.
Building Resiliency Workshops
A ten week course that explores and strengthens one’s sense of self-awareness, optimism, self-control, abilities and methods for change.
Breaking down barriers through self-reflection and building resilience through self-correction.