Join The Giving

The adage “Give a (wo) man a fish and she eats for a day. Teach a (wo) man to fish and she eats for a lifetime” has never had more meaning than it does for Co-op. Members meet regularly and help each other using their God-given talents (from sewing to auto mechanics) and personal resources (food, vehicle, babysitting ect.) Co-op members’ work together to solve their problems and unite to solve their communities with a focused attention to the root causes of poverty among women and their families.

Woman's Co-op

Through the generosity of community minded people like you, Woman’s Co-op can continue to carry out it’s mission, supporting families in lifting themselves out of poverty and fulfill our vision of “Helping women succeed in all aspects of their lives – cooperating to build a stronger community.”

Woman's Co-op

Woman's Co-op Working Together