There are two sides to every story, and I believe there are two sides to poverty.  Poverty can make or brake a person as in doing horrific things to survive your situation.  Such as drugs, prostitution, gangs etc. All those bad experiences can really make a person see the world in a negative lens. You start to feel hopeless or may think nothing matters anymore so you fall into bad habits, and it becomes a pattern.  An unbreakable pattern.  That’s what people tell them selves and for awhile they believe it…along with all the trauma and suffering they carry into adulthood.  Physically they look fine, a roof over their head or a car or a stable job, but poverty can create mental scars that may break you as a whole.  Then the there is the fear, the monsters in this world, the human trafficking, serial killers, etc… Every villain has a background story and half the time it’s them talking about how bad or poor or traumatizing their life was before they broke.  Have you ever thought maybe if they had money in their beginning of life, they would have the financial privileges to better themselves or have grand opportunities because everyone knows if you want your kid to go to the best schools and have the best jobs, you’re going to have to pay for it and most people just can’t so what do I think about poverty.  It’s a shitstorm and if money and greed didn’t exist in the world, we would be so much better off.  But mankind is greedy and self-centered.  That’s why fairy tales are fiction.  We don’t live in a world where everything could be free, and people could be free and people could put aside how different they are and get along or help one another.  It’s sad but the ugly truth so all we can do is try to be the light with in the darkness and try to shine through you know the opposite of all the bullshit going on in the world and hopefully that’s enough to change a few peoples minds and start a chain reaction of positivity.

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