I came here from a small town in Ohio as a server in a country diner, but I wasn’t happy doing that.  I wanted more for myself more money, real benefits, I was tired of living paycheck to paycheck.  I wanted a career, something I loved to do and could move forward in.  I moved to Battle Creek with the support of my family, my Grandmother recommended the Woman’s Co-op to finish my GED.  Everyone has to start somewhere right, I joined the Woman’s Co-op in June of 2018.  They have helped me so much, its a great place for so many opportunities.  They have taught me to never give up. You have to just go for it, you can do anything if you put your mind to it.  I’m just like all of you, we want to be successful in life.  I applied at Grace Health for the M.A. Program and had my first interview the other day.  This is such a great opportunity for me, a chance to get my career started on the right path.

This year is a new start for me, everything is finally falling into place.  When you get involved and get connected with your community, it really helps,  no matter where you are.  Never give up and never stop trying.  Always follow your hopes and dreams.  We all have purpose!

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